A while back, I was enjoying dinner with some family when the conversation shifted to Beachbody. I never set out to be a health and fitness coach, but you know, sometimes it’s those unplanned leaps of faith, those little follow-your-heart moments that open doors and lead you something greater. I wanted my family to know that everything they thought about Beachbody, all the misconceptions, all the selfies and endless Facebook posts were for a reason. I enjoy helping people. But then it hit me, they really have no idea what exactly I do, who it is that I’m serving and how in the world I make money. I post my workouts every day, I share health and fitness tips online, I reach out to my challengers to make sure they are on track with their goals, and I have built a team of coaches who I inspire to do the very same things – so how in the world doesn’t my own family “get it.”
They don’t understand because the one thing I never shared, until tonight, was how Beachbody coaching is making such a big impact in my life. So here’s the scoop on how I (one of the most unhealthy, unfit, and under motivated people you will ever me) became a successful Beachbody coach and earn income working from home.
Okay, let me rewind for a minute… I started using Beachbody fitness programs shortly after being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I was in my forties, I was a busy mom, and until that point in my life, my health and fitness was not a priority. So when I was advised by my doctor to lose weight, modify my diet and exercise every day to build up my strength, I had no idea where to start.
I researched all kinds of options, like gym memberships, support groups, personal trainers, and fitness classes, and finally decided that Beachbody was the best option that fit into my budget and my busy lifestyle. At the time, $140 sounded like a lot of money to pay for a 30-day fitness and nutrition program, but it turned out to be a small price to pay to improve my health – for good! After that first 30-days I looked and felt better so I kept going. After 60 and then 90-days, I felt like a completely different person so it became my lifestyle.
About 6 months passed when we were watching TV with the kids one night and a 21 Day Fix infomercial came on. My husband, who’s known for his sarcastic sense of humor, turned to me and said “You should do that. You should be a Beachbody coach.” The kids all thought it was a joke, but this time he was totally serious. I had great results with 21 Day Fix, the kids were going back to school, and he saw an opportunity for me to turn my fitness into a business. Turns out he was absolutely right. Coaching became a way for me to work from home, and to reach out and help other people transform their health and fitness.
My kids now know that this is no laughing matter. When they go off to school they know I am hard at work and 100% focused on helping people, whether it’s with fitness or in building a business. And they know that it’s every bit as important to our family as my husband’s job. I like the fact that the kids see us working together to work things out for our family. We can afford some luxuries that we used to sacrifice, and I no longer feel like I’m adding to the burden.
Curious? Here are 14 Tips to help anyone become a rock star Beachbody coach:
- Hard work. Beachbody coaching is not a get rich quick business. It requires some effort. But the key is to stay organized and have a good system to keep things running smoothly and efficiently. Our team of coaches have already gone through the the growing pains and have developed a business model that future coaches can easily duplicate.
- Be affiliated with a much larger team of coaches who already has already has an online training academy and business tools in place so you can have your business up and running on day 1!
- Choose your own path. You can become a discount coach who simply enrolls to take advantage of a 25% savings on the products you use. Or you can coach part time (1-2 hours a day) to supplement you income, or you can go all in as an entrepreneur and build your business for financial freedom. It’s your choice.
- Be a product of the product. Workout every day and drink Shakeology, and make sure other people know that. Tell your story. Post about your struggles and accomplishments, and let the world follow your journey! Your transformation will inspire others to make their health a priority.
- Be social media savvy. Unlike other businesses with big marketing budgets, you can reach masses people exclusively through social media, and it’s completely free.
- Have no fear, there’s very little risk. There’s little overhead other than an internet connection and some office supplies.
- No need for an office or fancy home gym. Your office goes where you go. Most coaches will tell you they work right from their kitchen, or on their deck or even working from the car while waiting at the bus stop.
- Host monthly challenge groups. A challenge group is an private online support group where people can go for accountability and support, health and nutrition advice, and guidance on making it though the first 30, 60 or 90 days of their health and fitness journey. Challenge groups are perfect for beginners and people are new to fitness and need some help transitioning into a new healthy lifestyle.
- Reach out. Stay in touch with people even after they have completed their challenge to make sure they are staying on track with their health and fitness.
- Build your tribe. Before long you will established a team of coaches who you can personally mentor and inspire to help others. It’s personally rewarding to help others build a business and a life that they once dreamed of. You’ll earn bonuses by helping them succeed.
- Help other people. Every time someone enrolls in a challenge group and purchases a challenge pack (with all the tools they need to complete their first 30, 60 or 90 days) Beachbody pays you, their coach, a 25% commission.
- Enjoy the perks. Receive a 25% discount on products that you buy for personal use.
- And the bonuses. Receive incentives like products, apparel, and even trips (that include your family) for reaching goals every month.
- Flex time. Work as much or as little as you choose. Your family can remain your #1 priority and you can set your schedule around them.
- Look & feel young & healthy. Its the biggest reward of all! The people who you reach out to will help you stay accountable too.
Becoming a Beachbody coach is easier than you think. It doesn’t require a lot of time or money. You can get started today for as little as $40. You simply have to make your own health and fitness a priority and have the desire to help others do the same. When you become happier, healthier and stronger it will show. Your new lifestyle will become contagious and suddenly everyone who doubted you will understand why you started.
If you are curious about becoming a Beachbody coach, please reach out to me today.
You can email me at brendalajay@gmail.com
Or message me through Facebook at facebook.com/brenda.l.ajay
Or fill out this form to tell me a little more about yourself and why you are interested in becoming a Beachbody coach:
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