Labor Day Fix Challenge: BIG Results, LOTS of Prizes!
Hey guys! Summer is winding down, but I think it’s time for us to wind up and dial in our fitness for the last 21 days leading right up to Labor Day! Here’s how it will work:
I want to help you get great results with 21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix Extreme in August! So I’m teaming up with Autumn Calabrese to bring you a little extra motivation and fun!
Between Autumn, me, and this challenge group, you will have all the tools and support you need to get GREAT results. Plus, Autumn and I are going to be providing a little extra incentive to join my #LaborDayFix Challenge Group by offering some really COOL PRIZES.
If you’re ready for a CHALLENGE and to join a great community, here’s what you have to do:
- Request to join my group Labor Day Fix (#LaborDayFix) on Facebook. Find that group by clicking here. It’s a closed group so send a request and I’ll approve you.
- Starting on August 17th, we will be following an assigned workout. There will be two paths – one for 21 Day Fix and one for 21 Day Fix EXTREME. I’ll post each scheduled workout one day in advance and then we’ll crush that workout together the next day.

Share what you are doing and WIN some BIG PRIZES!
During the entire 21 days, if you share 1) a photo of where you’re working out AND/OR 2) a photo of what you’re eating that day, and use the hashtag #LaborDayFix – you will be eligible to win 1 of many prizes:
Autumn’s Prizes
autographed copy of FIXATE
21 Day Fix Watch
a 1-year subscription to Beachbody on Demand ($155)
Brenda’s Prizes
A copy of Fixate Cookbook
Women’s workout tank
Shaker Bottle & Shakeology samples
Autumn and I will choose weekly winners. Winning photos will be chosen based on creativity (50%) and photo quality (50%). You can share as often as you want.
Speaking of Beachbody on Demand, one day per week I will throw a little variety into the mix, and we will do another workout from the Beachbody On Demand collection. If you’re already a #BOD member, awesome! If not, ask me about how you can sign up free for 30 days.
Finally, remember to take your before photos, progress photos, and after photos because at the end of the 21 days we will be voting on the most inspirational transformation. In order to be eligible for Autumn’s grand prize you have to share your results and/or your journey during the 21 days and use the hashtag #LaborDayFix (you can also share in the group). She will then take her favorites, post them to her Facebook page and allow the community to decide the winner by voting via likes + comments. The photo with the most likes and comments will win.
Autumn’s Grand Prize:
Autographed #FIXATE cookbook
21 Day Fix Watch
Yearly subscription to Beachbody on Demand.
Beachbody Performance Ultimate Stack (all 5 supplements)
Also, if you win the Grand Prize and your Coach is the one who got you into this Challenge Group, they win the grand prize, too!
Grab a friend, a relative, a co-worker, whoever, AND LET’S GET STARTED ON OUR #LaborDayFix !
Note: If you don’t have 21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix EXTREME, ask me how you can get it and save 25% on all your Beachbody purchases
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